Friday, October 10, 2008
Dear Readers,
Yesterday, I received a call from Debbie, my sister, and of course it had been sent the day before; but due to modern technical difficulties, I didn't receive it until 1 minute before she called again, about the anniversary of our mother's death. Maybe God knew that it would be easier to talk about it the day after. I called my Dad this morning, and chatted awhile. It was so good to hear his voice, and I can't wait to see him. My Dad is a really cool guy. He loves taking early morning walks, even though he is almost 82. He has the legs of a much younger man! He loves all nature. And if you want to talk about "Mavericks" he really is one. He has been an environmentalist even before it was popular. He and a friend, Bob, worked hard to get the saftey regulations passed in his state about pools, because he didn't want to hear about one more child drowning due to lack of fencing. He predicted this "Depression" years ago, and I thank God, because I am less shocked than others now that it is a reality. He is satisfied with the simple things in life, and that is a good legacy to give us all. He is a quiet man; although now that Mom is gone, he talks alot more. That is wonderful; because it means he is sharing himself with us, and we really want to know him!
Yesterday, I also discovered that my paycheck was short! Apparently, I've been forgetting to punch in or out, and so they thought I was working 6 hr shifts! depending on when I took my lunch. Since there is only 1 therapist in NICU at a time, this is not hard to check, but it is my responsibility. Funny, that no one tried to charge me with patient abandonment! That is the other reason I need to correct this. People get fired, and have their licenses yanked for that. In trying to compare paychecks, I was unable to find many that had the correct hours on them. Now, I have to go back and try and get the money owed myself from Payroll. My only excuse is to point out that I have been exhausted for many years due to the Vitamin D deficit. I like to think people have what's called "integrity". Now, that I am fully awake, I must be properly compensated. I am feeling years younger! I am moving again! I am back to having so much energy, and just in time to save my life, and my money!
I am getting excited about the family memorial and reunion. I am glad I'll be feeling well enough to enjoy everyone. I plan to take lots of pictures. Autumn is my absolute favorite season of all! For me, the holidays have always started in October, my birthday month, with the changing of the leaves. What a spectacular display God puts on for all of us! It really reflects his love for everyone! Sometimes, as adults, we might not notice these "gifts". I think that is why we are instructed to be as little children. They appreciate the spectacle and wonder around them. They are so forgiving of our shortcomings as "grownups". They love us anyways!
The "kids" are going to add some installments here on the blog, as soon as they get a moment of free time. Stay tuned for that!
Yesterday, I received a call from Debbie, my sister, and of course it had been sent the day before; but due to modern technical difficulties, I didn't receive it until 1 minute before she called again, about the anniversary of our mother's death. Maybe God knew that it would be easier to talk about it the day after. I called my Dad this morning, and chatted awhile. It was so good to hear his voice, and I can't wait to see him. My Dad is a really cool guy. He loves taking early morning walks, even though he is almost 82. He has the legs of a much younger man! He loves all nature. And if you want to talk about "Mavericks" he really is one. He has been an environmentalist even before it was popular. He and a friend, Bob, worked hard to get the saftey regulations passed in his state about pools, because he didn't want to hear about one more child drowning due to lack of fencing. He predicted this "Depression" years ago, and I thank God, because I am less shocked than others now that it is a reality. He is satisfied with the simple things in life, and that is a good legacy to give us all. He is a quiet man; although now that Mom is gone, he talks alot more. That is wonderful; because it means he is sharing himself with us, and we really want to know him!
Yesterday, I also discovered that my paycheck was short! Apparently, I've been forgetting to punch in or out, and so they thought I was working 6 hr shifts! depending on when I took my lunch. Since there is only 1 therapist in NICU at a time, this is not hard to check, but it is my responsibility. Funny, that no one tried to charge me with patient abandonment! That is the other reason I need to correct this. People get fired, and have their licenses yanked for that. In trying to compare paychecks, I was unable to find many that had the correct hours on them. Now, I have to go back and try and get the money owed myself from Payroll. My only excuse is to point out that I have been exhausted for many years due to the Vitamin D deficit. I like to think people have what's called "integrity". Now, that I am fully awake, I must be properly compensated. I am feeling years younger! I am moving again! I am back to having so much energy, and just in time to save my life, and my money!
I am getting excited about the family memorial and reunion. I am glad I'll be feeling well enough to enjoy everyone. I plan to take lots of pictures. Autumn is my absolute favorite season of all! For me, the holidays have always started in October, my birthday month, with the changing of the leaves. What a spectacular display God puts on for all of us! It really reflects his love for everyone! Sometimes, as adults, we might not notice these "gifts". I think that is why we are instructed to be as little children. They appreciate the spectacle and wonder around them. They are so forgiving of our shortcomings as "grownups". They love us anyways!
The "kids" are going to add some installments here on the blog, as soon as they get a moment of free time. Stay tuned for that!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Mom's Are Great!
Dear All,
Well, yesterday was the anniversary of my mother's death. I don't know if anyone else remembered in my family, as no one called.I slept since I worked the night shift; and didn't think anyone would appreciate a 3am call, when I was reminiscing at work. Mostly, I miss the phone calls to Mom. Dad would not let her call, because he is a Great Depression survivor and you know "a penny saved". I used to call her on my way home from work in the morning; because who can you call at 7am, and know they'll be happy to hear from you? She knew I'd call if I got sleepy, on my over an hour commute, after working 12.5 hours. She always was happy to hear from me; even when she was recovering from her brain surgery, or while she had her short stay in the nursing home. I am so glad we brought her home for those last few days; so she could die surrounded by her family.She was so happy to be near us, even after she could no longer speak.I also miss her reassurance that I am OK as a person; and no matter what, that steadfast LOVE. Sometimes I was so frustrated when I couldn't seem to communicate a hurt or offended feeling. Now, what I wouldn't give for a little of her assessments and opinions; just to hear her voice! How easily we as people are offended by someone who honestly loves us and just can't resist trying to "fix" something in our lives.
Brandon gave me a blessing the other night, when I was so ill, and in the process announced that "Grandma remembers you and watches over you; and is happy serving Heavenly Father in the Kingdom". Just like Mom, not to rest a moment. I hope she will look in on all of us during her "Memorial" coming up on the 18th. The family is having a reunion with the traditional wienie roast she started many years ago. I wonder if she'll be happy with our progress? In some ways we seem so disconnected now that she is gone. She was the glue that kept us together. I've read that siblings have the longest relationships of all; and therefore the potential to be the most important. Since I am the oldest, I've known my siblings the longest at this point. I, too, find myself wanting stay connected with my siblings and other extended family members, wanting to have an awesome relationship with each and every one. Not an easy task, from my position on the west coast. So...I send cards. The cards, I hope, will bring a smile, or laugh, a little "oh, she remembers me". Hallmark calls me their "top platinum customer". It's not as grand as the annual wienie roast she'd have, but it is the same attempt at connecting to those I love most. Getting them to stop and think about "us". In this way too busy world, I think we all could use more of those my opinion, and in the tradition of "Mom".
Well, yesterday was the anniversary of my mother's death. I don't know if anyone else remembered in my family, as no one called.I slept since I worked the night shift; and didn't think anyone would appreciate a 3am call, when I was reminiscing at work. Mostly, I miss the phone calls to Mom. Dad would not let her call, because he is a Great Depression survivor and you know "a penny saved". I used to call her on my way home from work in the morning; because who can you call at 7am, and know they'll be happy to hear from you? She knew I'd call if I got sleepy, on my over an hour commute, after working 12.5 hours. She always was happy to hear from me; even when she was recovering from her brain surgery, or while she had her short stay in the nursing home. I am so glad we brought her home for those last few days; so she could die surrounded by her family.She was so happy to be near us, even after she could no longer speak.I also miss her reassurance that I am OK as a person; and no matter what, that steadfast LOVE. Sometimes I was so frustrated when I couldn't seem to communicate a hurt or offended feeling. Now, what I wouldn't give for a little of her assessments and opinions; just to hear her voice! How easily we as people are offended by someone who honestly loves us and just can't resist trying to "fix" something in our lives.
Brandon gave me a blessing the other night, when I was so ill, and in the process announced that "Grandma remembers you and watches over you; and is happy serving Heavenly Father in the Kingdom". Just like Mom, not to rest a moment. I hope she will look in on all of us during her "Memorial" coming up on the 18th. The family is having a reunion with the traditional wienie roast she started many years ago. I wonder if she'll be happy with our progress? In some ways we seem so disconnected now that she is gone. She was the glue that kept us together. I've read that siblings have the longest relationships of all; and therefore the potential to be the most important. Since I am the oldest, I've known my siblings the longest at this point. I, too, find myself wanting stay connected with my siblings and other extended family members, wanting to have an awesome relationship with each and every one. Not an easy task, from my position on the west coast. So...I send cards. The cards, I hope, will bring a smile, or laugh, a little "oh, she remembers me". Hallmark calls me their "top platinum customer". It's not as grand as the annual wienie roast she'd have, but it is the same attempt at connecting to those I love most. Getting them to stop and think about "us". In this way too busy world, I think we all could use more of those my opinion, and in the tradition of "Mom".
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I'm gonna live!
Dear Readers,
I am so much better today! I am awake bright and early, which is not good since I work the night shift from 630p to 7a. I'll have to get a nap later. I was in so much pain over the weekend, it felt like an amputation of my abdomen would be preferable. I hope it is a long time before that happens again. I have to be real careful what I eat. I guess that means I'm officially "old", although I still feel pretty good at nearly 52. On the good health news...I may not have Lupus! My rheumatologist ran some tests, and says that my positive ANA might be due to my gut problems, and the fact that I have a severe vitamin D shortage. So he started me on a lot of the D and I feel so much better, (until I got sick) that I don't have to take my pain medicine now hardly at all! They think that D is the secret to many of the diseases we suffer from. You see, you get it mostly from the sun, and as I've said I work the night shift and have for over 15 years. That, along with the increased use of sunscreen, is causing epidemic vitamin D deficiency! So what's a woman to do? I have to try and get 15 min of sun per day, preferably not between 12 and 4 p, and take the supplement. He's gonna check me in 4 mos. I already feel like a new woman. When I think of all the drs and drugs I've paid for and taken over the last 20 years it is infuriating! The deficiency causes the same symptoms as Lupus, MS etc. In my case it caused osteomalacia which is a fancy word for bone pain, as well as fibromalacia etc. I had to stop working out! I gained almost 100 lbs! Now it is slowly coming off. Apparently, it causes increased appetite and fat storage to try and get D from food. I don't feel hungry like before, and the depression is gone as well! Ah, that was problably more than you wanted to know... but I just hope everyone gets the simple blood test for vitamin D levels, who is suffering similar symptoms. You can research it on the internet if you like.
About my family; as I said before my daughter Kimberly is 23 and works at a movie theater, and my son Brandon is 26 and is married and works at Disneyland and goes to CSFullerton. My daughter in law, Christine is 24 and attends Fullerton JC. She is also employed by Disney, but is on medical leave. So you can see, my recreational activities are covered. I also bought a pass to Sea World, to get some serious walking in this summer, and to visit my beloved sea otters! When Kimberly goes with me, she visits the manatees. She sponsered one when she was a child, and had its poster in her room until it was beyond faded. This summer, she sponsered a new one named Robin. Hopefully, it won't get killed by the motor boats. Maybe she will share the updates about him and his friends here. She also bought a 5 ft square of the rain forest when she was a child. I have no idea how that is doing. She was a very conscienscious kid! Considering I only gave them one dollar for every year they were per week they really had to budget. For instance if they were 5 ,they got 5 dollars per week. They had to make their lunch or they could use their money once in a while. Mostly, they made their lunches. Usually, they saved for the latest video. I should have known they would go into the movie making business. They were always putting on puppet shows when they were toddlers, and then later had a neighborhood theater group which took place on our front porch. Kimberly graduated magna cum laude with her BA degree in film and electronic arts this past May. She wants to get into advertising for cinema. What ever company gets her will be blessed by her talents greatly. Brandon is majoring in the same thing, but wanted to be a cinematographer until recently when he changed his interest to sound editing. Since he is so meticulous, this fits his talents perfectly, and will allow him to stay closer to home while the children (my grandchildren!) are young. He plans to pursue the cinematography later. I think Christine is currently interested in family counseling. She is an amazing person, and I love her so very much; it seems as though she has always been in our lives. Sometimes, she has to remind us that something happened before Christine (BC) Ha Ha! She is wonderful for Brandon and he adores her. I want to post some pictures here, but have no clue how to. She is probably going to get stuck helping me do that. Well, I'll be signing off from the Horta Dorm now and wish you all God's blessings!
I am so much better today! I am awake bright and early, which is not good since I work the night shift from 630p to 7a. I'll have to get a nap later. I was in so much pain over the weekend, it felt like an amputation of my abdomen would be preferable. I hope it is a long time before that happens again. I have to be real careful what I eat. I guess that means I'm officially "old", although I still feel pretty good at nearly 52. On the good health news...I may not have Lupus! My rheumatologist ran some tests, and says that my positive ANA might be due to my gut problems, and the fact that I have a severe vitamin D shortage. So he started me on a lot of the D and I feel so much better, (until I got sick) that I don't have to take my pain medicine now hardly at all! They think that D is the secret to many of the diseases we suffer from. You see, you get it mostly from the sun, and as I've said I work the night shift and have for over 15 years. That, along with the increased use of sunscreen, is causing epidemic vitamin D deficiency! So what's a woman to do? I have to try and get 15 min of sun per day, preferably not between 12 and 4 p, and take the supplement. He's gonna check me in 4 mos. I already feel like a new woman. When I think of all the drs and drugs I've paid for and taken over the last 20 years it is infuriating! The deficiency causes the same symptoms as Lupus, MS etc. In my case it caused osteomalacia which is a fancy word for bone pain, as well as fibromalacia etc. I had to stop working out! I gained almost 100 lbs! Now it is slowly coming off. Apparently, it causes increased appetite and fat storage to try and get D from food. I don't feel hungry like before, and the depression is gone as well! Ah, that was problably more than you wanted to know... but I just hope everyone gets the simple blood test for vitamin D levels, who is suffering similar symptoms. You can research it on the internet if you like.
About my family; as I said before my daughter Kimberly is 23 and works at a movie theater, and my son Brandon is 26 and is married and works at Disneyland and goes to CSFullerton. My daughter in law, Christine is 24 and attends Fullerton JC. She is also employed by Disney, but is on medical leave. So you can see, my recreational activities are covered. I also bought a pass to Sea World, to get some serious walking in this summer, and to visit my beloved sea otters! When Kimberly goes with me, she visits the manatees. She sponsered one when she was a child, and had its poster in her room until it was beyond faded. This summer, she sponsered a new one named Robin. Hopefully, it won't get killed by the motor boats. Maybe she will share the updates about him and his friends here. She also bought a 5 ft square of the rain forest when she was a child. I have no idea how that is doing. She was a very conscienscious kid! Considering I only gave them one dollar for every year they were per week they really had to budget. For instance if they were 5 ,they got 5 dollars per week. They had to make their lunch or they could use their money once in a while. Mostly, they made their lunches. Usually, they saved for the latest video. I should have known they would go into the movie making business. They were always putting on puppet shows when they were toddlers, and then later had a neighborhood theater group which took place on our front porch. Kimberly graduated magna cum laude with her BA degree in film and electronic arts this past May. She wants to get into advertising for cinema. What ever company gets her will be blessed by her talents greatly. Brandon is majoring in the same thing, but wanted to be a cinematographer until recently when he changed his interest to sound editing. Since he is so meticulous, this fits his talents perfectly, and will allow him to stay closer to home while the children (my grandchildren!) are young. He plans to pursue the cinematography later. I think Christine is currently interested in family counseling. She is an amazing person, and I love her so very much; it seems as though she has always been in our lives. Sometimes, she has to remind us that something happened before Christine (BC) Ha Ha! She is wonderful for Brandon and he adores her. I want to post some pictures here, but have no clue how to. She is probably going to get stuck helping me do that. Well, I'll be signing off from the Horta Dorm now and wish you all God's blessings!
Monday, October 6, 2008
About the Hortas
Dear Readers,
Well here it is, finally, the Horta family blog! I can't believe I am able to find time to set this up. Actually, I am home sick today. After a visit to the ER on Saturday night, of course I am not able to get in to my doctor until thursday, so......with all the free time I have, I decided to see if I can do this blog. My son, Brandon, and his wife, Christine, are napping; he was up early returning the sound equipment for his latest movie to the college library; and she had difficulty sleeping last night due to her knee pain, for which she is going to have surgery on the 15th. My daughter, Kimberly is off to her internship; working for M-80 an advertising agency. She does that 3 days a week, and then works for money the other days of the week at a movie theater, where she is being trained as assistant manager. We are all just grateful to be employed during these difficult economic times. Brandon hasn't been able to work much due to school this semester. His movie production class takes alot of hours. Christine is out on medical leave. She is able to go to college however.
We discussed last night that we need more "family time". At least I do. We all share the same house, but rarely have any real planned time together due to our unusual schedules. We used to have family meetings but lately haven't all been off together. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that they miss the meetings as well so we will make a stronger effort to reconnect. The weather is cooler here now and so I am lovin it. We live in a 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom house so just getting bathroom time is a priviledge. Somehow it all works out. I try to keep my bedroom as neat as possible so that I don't go crazy. It is my retreat. The rest of the house is a hodgepodge of furniture and belongings. Think The Weasleys house from Harry Potter.
Add to all this our 3 dogs and it becomes quite cozy. How I got to be the owner of 3 dogs is simple. We had Penny who needed a 'friend' so we adopted 'Jack' from the pound, and then my coworker said her new dog attacked her nanny and would I take it so her kids could still visit him? Anyway, this vicious dog turned out to be a real love. He is a dashund mix so we named him 'Link'. He is Kimberly's dog so she takes care of him. I am his 'Grandma'.
Speaking of Grandmas, I am beginning to think that day will never arrive. Brandon still has 2 more years of college and then another year to save for their own home. When I get sick like this, I think I might not make it. It is wonderful to see the love they have for each other even after 2 years they are so sweet to see! I am glad to be blessed by their company. Brandon thinks he is taking care of me and maybe he is...otherwise what would I do with all my time staring at the walls? It is safer to know someone is almost always home now. The years flew by and I can not believe how fast. I just kept thinking "Oh this is my favorite age" and it was one long love story. They have blessed my life so abundantly!
Well here it is, finally, the Horta family blog! I can't believe I am able to find time to set this up. Actually, I am home sick today. After a visit to the ER on Saturday night, of course I am not able to get in to my doctor until thursday, so......with all the free time I have, I decided to see if I can do this blog. My son, Brandon, and his wife, Christine, are napping; he was up early returning the sound equipment for his latest movie to the college library; and she had difficulty sleeping last night due to her knee pain, for which she is going to have surgery on the 15th. My daughter, Kimberly is off to her internship; working for M-80 an advertising agency. She does that 3 days a week, and then works for money the other days of the week at a movie theater, where she is being trained as assistant manager. We are all just grateful to be employed during these difficult economic times. Brandon hasn't been able to work much due to school this semester. His movie production class takes alot of hours. Christine is out on medical leave. She is able to go to college however.
We discussed last night that we need more "family time". At least I do. We all share the same house, but rarely have any real planned time together due to our unusual schedules. We used to have family meetings but lately haven't all been off together. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that they miss the meetings as well so we will make a stronger effort to reconnect. The weather is cooler here now and so I am lovin it. We live in a 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom house so just getting bathroom time is a priviledge. Somehow it all works out. I try to keep my bedroom as neat as possible so that I don't go crazy. It is my retreat. The rest of the house is a hodgepodge of furniture and belongings. Think The Weasleys house from Harry Potter.
Add to all this our 3 dogs and it becomes quite cozy. How I got to be the owner of 3 dogs is simple. We had Penny who needed a 'friend' so we adopted 'Jack' from the pound, and then my coworker said her new dog attacked her nanny and would I take it so her kids could still visit him? Anyway, this vicious dog turned out to be a real love. He is a dashund mix so we named him 'Link'. He is Kimberly's dog so she takes care of him. I am his 'Grandma'.
Speaking of Grandmas, I am beginning to think that day will never arrive. Brandon still has 2 more years of college and then another year to save for their own home. When I get sick like this, I think I might not make it. It is wonderful to see the love they have for each other even after 2 years they are so sweet to see! I am glad to be blessed by their company. Brandon thinks he is taking care of me and maybe he is...otherwise what would I do with all my time staring at the walls? It is safer to know someone is almost always home now. The years flew by and I can not believe how fast. I just kept thinking "Oh this is my favorite age" and it was one long love story. They have blessed my life so abundantly!
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